New City exists to enjoy and proclaim the glory of God, and to make the kingdom of God visible by declaring and demonstrating the gospel - both to ourselves and to our community where we live, work, and play. In short, we want to celebrate Christ and serve our neighbors.
We do this by connecting people to God, to community, and to mission.
Our particular focus is on the Eastern Hills neighborhoods - the communities and neighborhoods around Rookwood (Norwood, Oakley, Hyde Park, Mt Lookout, Pleasant Ridge, Madisonville). We seek to partner with other churches and ministries to impact the city of Cincinnati and ultimately, the world.
A welcoming and open community of people who seek to follow Jesus Christ, be faithful to love Him, and faithful to love our neighbors around us. We meet for public worship on the east side of Cincinnati near Mount Washington, Anderson Township, and Hyde Park.
Followers of Jesus in the past summarized the purpose of human existence, saying, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” While this is the ultimate reason for which God made all human beings, the unique mission with which Jesus has charged the church is to “make disciples” (Matt. 28:16-20). By definition a "disciple" is a "follower" of another, one who imitates the life and faith of the one they follow.
As a church, our vision is to make followers of Jesus who will in turn fulfill their chief end of enjoying and glorifying God. The result of men, women and children becoming and growing as mature and equipped followers of Christ is transformation, both personally (2 Cor. 5:17) and at every level of society (Col. 1:19).
“We exist to glorify God by making and deploying mature and equipped followers of Christ for the sake of personal, family, community, and global transformation”
Our vision (what we want to become): A multi-ethnic church of influence pursuing individual, family, city, and world renewal for the sake of the Gospel.
Our mission (how we hope to accomplish the vision): Equip people of all nations to love and serve Christ, community, and one another.
Our Core Values (central commitment points):
Christ-centered. The person and work of Christ are central. As such, grace permeates all we do.
Community-rich. Depth in relationships matters. We grow together, not alone, and are enriched as we apply Gospel basics in community and learn from each other.
Ethnically diverse. We aim to reflect the cultural breadth in our community and God’s kingdom.
Mission-minded. An evident others-oriented mindset flows from the love we have for Christ. We serve because we love, and because our basic identity is as “sent ones.”
Spirit-empowered. We operate in reliance upon the Holy Spirit in surrender, dependence, and prayer.